Artificial Intelligence - Security Integration

AI in Cyber Security

The ongoing evolution of Artificial Intelligence unveils unprecedented potential for defense capabilities while simultaneously enabling attackers to enhance their tactics and strategies in ways previously unseen. Understanding both the advantages and challenges is crucial for maximizing the benefits while mitigating the risks. Here’s a short look at the two sides of AI in cybersecurity.

Cons: Novel Attacker Abilities

While AI technology can enhance threat detection and defense capabilities, it can also be exploited by cybercriminals to improve their attack strategies. Cybercriminals can use AI to increase the speed, accuracy, and innovation of their attacks. AI lowers the entry barriers for new criminals while enhancing the effectiveness of established ones. In addition to being a valuable tool for traditional cybercrime, AI introduces entirely new attack vectors and approaches. KiviSec helps you understand the threats emerging from novel AI-powered attacks and guides you through implementing the necessary defense controls.

Enhancing known attack vectors

Novel AI powered attack vectors

KiviSec specializes in educating organizations about the potential threats posed by novel AI-powered attack vectors. While understanding these threats theoretically is essential, we also offer a dedicated service to assess the cognitive defense capabilities within your organization.

Pros: Enhancing Security Defense

Almost all organizations create a vast amount of data originating form various data sources. The data your organization creates can be used for AI powered analytics or defense automation. We help you identify data sources of value, simulate or emulate attack scenarios and create custom AI models trained on your organizations data for threat identification and mitigation.

Identification of data sources within your organization

Simulating and emulating attacks

Creating organization specific AI defense models